Whether leading a fully staffed farm or a family of five, overseeing an operation means being responsible for production and efficiency on a day-to-day basis
Electricity — it’s usually so plentiful that we take it for granted, not worrying about where it’s coming from or how it gets to us. For some dairies, though, it pays to take the power...
From owners and employees to veterinarians and lenders, many people contribute to the success of a dairy farm. Likewise, building demand for and selling dairy products requires a broad team of markete
Beginning in February 2022, seven pieces of machinery at the Port of Los Angeles — including a crane, machines that offload containers, and trucks — will be powered by hydrogen
With a general goal to produce more renewable energy, windmills and solar panels have become an increasingly common sight when driving through rural landscapes
Making sure that every farmer’s bulk tank is empty at the end of each day is key for the team that works at and with FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative, said General Manager Jeff Lyon on the May 19 Hoard’s...
A gifted athlete, Sara Haag played soccer, T-ball, field hockey, track, and basketball. She was a skilled player and a dedicated teammate who has loved playing sports since she was 4 years old
Those interested in learning more about crossbreeding had the opportunity to listen to Wes Bluhm, ABS Crossbreeding Manager at ABS Global, at the World Ag Expo
The poor, lowly penny. Ignored. Forgotten. Discarded. But in numbers they have surprising power, even on dairies. At current Class III prices, a penny's worth of milk is about 1.6 tablespoons. That sounds...
How does $3 milk sound? Ridiculous of course, yet the effective buying power that U.S. dairy producers have had for over 20 years has been even less when Class III prices are adjusted for inflation back...
Sorting dairy cows by stage of lactation may improve farm profitability by supporting the peak production of high-producing cows and lowering feed costs for low-producing cows